Fire Alarm Systems
Fire Alarm System Installation Company
Fire alarm systems are among the most vital and effective fire protection equipment that can be outfitted in a building. In the event of a fire, these systems detect and send either audible or visible signals to alert anyone in the area to the presence of a serious safety threat so they can take appropriate action.
Precision Fire Solutions is the primary designer/installer of Honeywell Gamewell-FCI Elite and Farenhyt systems in South Carolina. In addition, we can also sell/install Monaco, Fire-lite, and SilentKnight systems. We have two NICET IV managers who will custom design and install a code compliant system based on your specific needs, no more or less. Talk about value, we can even design a fire alarm system that you can also use as a public address system. In addition, all our installation teams are led by NICET certified personnel so you can be confident all codes are being met and you will have a virtually trouble-free system. We provide these services throughout the Upstate, Midlands, and Lowcountry of South Carolina.